Next is PLOP's list of documents, which teacher and students can openly use to facilitate PLOP learning and evaluation tasks.

To view (pdf recommended) and download (for edition, doc recommended) the documents of the list, just click on the format name selected (between brackets).

Important Note about the archives format: Some documents are in .odt format, which now is supported by most of the text-editor software. We recommend to download the Free LibreOffice set of office applications.

  1. Lesson plan variants (.doc)
  2. Purchasing materials + Mass-construction of Yoshino microscope. (.pdf)
  3. Yoshino Microscope Adapter Construction Rubric (.odt)
  4. gsearch: Systematic Web Search Methodology ( .pdf, .odt.doc)
  5. Presentation Document Template (.ppt.odp)
  6. Peer-Dissertation and Document Rubric (.odt)
  7. Two-page Abstract and Bibliography of the Research Thesis (.pdf)

Important Note for Rights of Use, Share and Derivate works: Remember, all documents are open to adaptations in accordance with local conditions. That is why we share this modifiable  archiveswhich can be edited in a text editor application. Also, must be taken in account that, within the current  Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License for each of this documents, all adaptations AND derivative works must comply with the same terms. In this way, we guarantee that you can use, modify and also share this documents. More over, we strongly encourage you to create derivative works, for which this websites has a contributions repository, in the case you would like to enrich and honor this project with your variants, translations, extensions, results, research, etc.